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Brunswick Primary School

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Brunswick Primary School
We are a large, dynamic school and attract pupils from across Brighton and Hove. As a diverse and inclusive school community, we are proud of our good reputation. We got involved with Skills Builder to develop essential skills starting from EYFS.
Overall impact
Children enjoy how sessions can be interactive and that there are mini activities to complete. Children are aware of what the skills are and understand their meanings and what they look like in action. They are therefore able to practise these in and out of the classroom setting, reflect on them, and therefore make progress.
Keep it simple
Teachers have discreet skills builder lessons every week and some teachers also reference the skills in their lesson slides. Teachers note four people per week who have used a skill noticeably, and reward them with a skills builder certificate. Skills are also referenced in year group assemblies and the skills are displayed in every classroom and on shared displays.
Start early, keep going
All year groups have weekly Skills Builder sessions. Skills Builder sessions start by using the language of the skills and what they look like in reception, with discreet lessons starting from year 1. Skills are cross referenced in other learning, allowing them to be further developed. E.g.; Speaking and listening will be developed and practised in English/Reading lessons, problem solving in Maths, teamwork in P.E, etc.
Measure it
Most teachers are beginning to frequently informally assess pupils after each Skills Builder lesson. This is then used to inform the next lesson, i.e. whether they can move up a level or further develop the skill.
Focus tightly
Skills Builder sessions are timetabled to take place during class assemblies. Regular formal assessment ensures that they are pitched at the appropriate level. Each week, the lesson builds upon their previous learning.
Keep practising
Skills are reinforced in class assemblies, year group assemblies and Head Teacher assemblies. Skills are also reinforced by some staff on the playground, for example; when on break/lunch duty and children are using the OPAL play equipment, staff and children talk about sharing and Teamwork skills. To resolve friendship issues, staff reference Speaking and Listening skills. Project based learning references some skills, for example, DT references Teamwork (Chocolate project) and Problem Solving (Torch project). Skills are cross referenced in other learning, allowing them to be further developed. E.g.; Speaking and Listening will be developed and practised in English/Reading lessons, Problem Solving in Maths, Teamwork in P.E, etc.
Bring it to life
Careers day was held where different careers were linked to different skills. Assemblies celebrating historical figures or people of interest reference the Skills Builder skills.
What's next
Hold staff meetings to ensure consistency in teaching and tracking the skills across year groups, and use a Skills Builder project or a challenge day within an Enterprise week.
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