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Penketh High School

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Penketh High School
At Penketh, we want the best for all of our pupils and this includes the very best outcomes that provide them with the foundation to continue being successful beyond their time at the school. In the ever changing modern world, young people need a wide skill set that complement an academic track record in order to be successful. At Penketh, we are committed to developing pupils holistically as well as academically, exposing pupils to a wide range of experiences that extend the traditional and qualification driven curriculum. Holistic development provides enrichment experiences to support wider engagement and develop key learning characteristics important for future study and employment. These experiences can help develop passions for life and facilitate successful lifelong learners. This is the reason we wanted to be involved with Skills Builder.
Overall impact
The impact has been significant. Pupils are able to talk about the different skills and are actively seeking opportunities to developed their wider skills. A highlight has been conversations with recent year 6 parents who commented on the fact wider skills are taken into consideration. One parent was 'made up' that his son achieved a certificate linked to Leadership. Staff have appreciated the fact the curriculum has not had to change - but instead identified explicitly where the skills already exist in their curriculum.
Keep it simple
We have ensured logos are in classrooms, pupil booklets and PowerPoints that staff share with pupils. All staff have also received 4 hours of CPD around Skills Builder. All staff have been provided with a skills matrix for their reference which is the same as the pupil version. This is to ensure coherent language is used across departments and with pupils. Pupils were also introduced to each skill during a bespoke induction week where all pupils had an hours session dedicated to each skill delivered by our staff. We have recognised skill progress with parents through achievement assemblies and as part of our transition programme, we also tweet about how pupils are using their essential skills.
Start early, keep going
All pupils have a copy of the Skills Builder framework, which is presented to them in induction week. All pupils/parents have access via TEAMS, this has broken down steps of how pupils can achieve beginner, through to mastery in each skill. During transition, Year 6 pupils are introduced to the skills framework and awarded stickers and certificates to celebrate this. Each year group has one to one meetings with their PD coach where they are given a skills target to complete on a card with steps to focus on to improve that skill. This is then reviewed in a follow up one to one meeting with the pupils assigned PD Coach. Pupils have dedicated opportunity to reflect on their skills during curriculum lessons and form time.
Measure it
All pupils meet with their PD Coach and discuss individual progress with their cohort. Pupils use Microsoft forms to self assess which criteria they meet on the skills framework. The form also allows pupils to be able to upload photo evidence of where they meet these skills both inside and outside the classroom. Using the data provided from pupils where we have spotted a weaker area, we have ensured directed provision has put in place to address this need. EG> pupils identified leadership as a weakness, so we introduced Duke of Edinburgh and The Archbishop of York Leadership award as enrichments. Curriculum areas liase with PD Coaches to discuss specific needs for year groups. EG> Modern Foreign Languages has focused on speaking/listening skills based on the framework and pupils are then asked individually about their progress in MFL using these skills. Staff have also identified in their curriculum schemes of work places where the skills are utilised in different units of work.
Focus tightly
All pupils have opportunities to improve their skills through the planned curriculum provision. When pupils pick their enrichment activities, staff identify what skills link to the enrichment, and pupils are encouraged to reflect on this when selecting their skill. Staff also produce a document mapping how the skills are used in enrichment and what steps/level they link to. During enrichment, staff show a pre-populated slide, highlight the skills being utilised and how they can then link to future careers. Our Careers Lead links the skills through any workshops/activities and external agencies reference the skills in their sessions with pupils. We have an induction week and are using the Challenge Days as part of this induction week next year. During our quality assurance process, which includes curriculum review each week, there is a section on how departments are using the skills framework - this is then presented back to SLT as a formal process.
Keep practising
Lessons and PowerPoints explicitly highlight where pupils are using their skills. The PSHE and form curriculum dedicates time each lesson to reflect on the different skills utilised. Enrichment is part of our school day (two 45 mins sessions per week for all pupils). All enrichment activities are linked to Skills Builder skills and the specific steps they meet. Staff have mapped these individually. CPD has taken place ensuring staff are aware of the importance of using the common language and universal framework when linking to the various skills. Displays are also in each classroom showing the symbols. Pupils must also complete a 'pupil voice' after a trip, to identify which skills they have used and how.
Bring it to life
Pupils have dedicated curriculum time where the essential skills are delivered and linked explicitly to future careers. Pupils are asked to provide evidence via TEAMS of opportunities they access outside of school - highlighting the different ways pupils utilise these skills in different situations. Employers are asked to link skills during presentations/sessions. Higher Horizons have linked sessions to the skills and also our careers connect external staff link one to on interviews and group sessions to the skills. PD Coaches meet with pupils and signpost enrichment sessions that link to specific careers through the skills. Pupils also have regular opportunities to reflect on the skills they use in curriculum areas, outside of school, drop down days, workplace visits, employer encounters and school trips. This information is collated using Microsoft Forms. We have also introduced Challenge Days and are using it in our induction week for next year.
What's next
Our next step is to continue to explicitly dedicate time to the teaching of skills. Pupils will continue to have one to one meetings with their PD Coaches, but we are looking to link with the sixth form college for a mentor programme around the skills.
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