We are proud to announce that Morrisby has joined the Skills Builder Partnership to provide a detailed focus on employability skills within the Morrisby product set.
Students in over 30 countries rely on the Morrisby profile to help guide them to suitable careers and courses of further study. Now they will be able to add specific essential skills that may be required as they track their progress towards their career goals.
As well as reinforcing the common language of the skills needed for future success, this new partnership will allow students to record and evidence their development of employability skills using Morrisby services independently or as part of Careers and PSHE lessons.
About Morrisby
Established in 1967, the name Morrisby has been synonymous with leading careers guidance services for decades. From Options at 13/14 up to degree, apprenticeship, and career choice. Morrisby is a decision-making companion for all key points with robust standardised psychometric tools to provide key insight into student aptitudes, interests, and aspirations.
Some key facts:
· Over 1,600 schools use Morrisby products
· Over 100,000 students complete Morrisby assessments every year
About the Skills Builder Partnership
The Skills Builder Partnership works to ensure that one day, everyone builds the essential skills to succeed. The Partnership brings together educators, employers and other skills-building organisations around a common language and approach to building eight essential skills - all underpinned by the Skills Builder Framework and Principles.
The Partnership includes over 510 primary, secondary and special schools, as well as colleges, 130 employers and more than 50 skills-building organisations.