Our approach
We work with education institutions across the UK and in 23 further countries to build the capacity of schools and colleges to build the essential skills of their learners. Institutions achieving measures of excellent practice against our principles can achieve a Skills Builder Award at a Bronze, Silver or Gold level.
In 2023-24:
833 schools and colleges were on the Accelerator or held Skills Builder Awards
12,296 teachers were trained and supported through the Accelerator
187,108 learners participated in the Accelerator programme
The impact for partners
By assessing the essential skills of their learners at the start and end of programmes, we are able to track changes in essential skill levels, including against a control group where learners had not participated in a Skills Builder programme. This showed that learners on established Accelerator programmes made 3.3x the rate of progress in essential skills of peers not on programmes:
The Accelerator programme is about achieving whole-institution change so that every learner can benefit from building their essential skills. We work to train a lead practitioner, called the Skills Leader, to develop their plans, upskill their colleagues and ultimately build their learners essential skills. This year, 100% of Skills Leaders reported feeling prepared to deliver change across their institutions after training.
Over the year, schools and colleges embed our principles of best practice into their work - ensuring essential skills are visible across the institution, that all learners have regular direct instruction and practice opportunities for essential skills, and that this learning is brought to life through connections with employers and impact organisations. Institutions who demonstrate their excellent practice achieve a Skills Builder Award.
Increasingly, Multi Academy Trusts are working with us to join up provision across their academies. Often this involves developing and delivering tailored training aligned to Trust-wide goals where schools who have already embedded great practice can share their strategies and mentor fellow Skills Leaders.
Systemic impact
Beyond the schools and colleges we directly work with, we work with partners across the education system to use the Skills Builder Universal Framework and approach. With our partners, we have a touchpoint with at least 85% of secondary schools and colleges in England.
In England, Statutory Guidance for Careers Education says that “In schools, each subject should support students to identify the essential skills they develop and to identify pathways to future careers… The Skills Builder Universal Framework shows how to build essential skills into the school or college curriculum.”
The Careers and Enterprise Company were involved in the original development of the Universal Framework. Last year, they launched the Careers Impact System, which is a model for continuous improvement in the quality of careers education in schools and colleges. This model highlights the importance of developing multi-year careers plans, where building essential skills using the Universal Framework is an important thread.
Skills Builder supports the Rethinking Assessment movement which is making the case for a fairer, broader, strengths-based and more equitable assessment system. Last year, we co-developed templates and resources for Learner Profiles which use the Universal Framework to quantify and qualify learners strengths, alongside their academic, careers and other personal pursuits.
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