This year, the Education Team are running a series of Network Events for our fantastic Skills Leaders across the UK. Each session focuses on a different theme, and offers the opportunity to share insights and examples of best practice from across the Partnership.
In the third webinar of the series, we discussed the careers learning journey and its relevance to essential skills.
Our Senior Education Associate, Sophie Deaville, outlined the fifth principle of best practice ‘keep practising’, linking it to the importance of joining up essential skills curriculum learning in the classroom with careers guidance, and developing them further in the workplace. She also mentioned that our Universal Framework for essential skills was endorsed in the Department for Education’s Statutory Careers Guidance, highlighting the ongoing relevance of essential skills to all careers guidance in schools and colleges.
Rachel Green from Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC) also kindly joined to take us through the current challenges of careers education, the work of CEC, and how essential skills pose a crucial solution.
You can view the webinar below. It’s timestamped so you can jump to the bits you’re most interested in.