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Al-Bashaer Secondary School

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Al-Bashaer Secondary School
Nestled in the heart of Baalbek, Lebanon, our school serves a dynamic and diverse student population of approximately 800 students, spanning grades 1 through 12. The linguistic landscape is rich, with Arabic as the primary language of instruction, complemented by English and French as secondary languages. Our vibrant community thrives on active parental and local organisational engagement, creating an environment ripe for innovative educational initiatives.
Overall impact
The implementation of the Skills Builder program this year has revolutionised our educational landscape, yielding profound and measurable impacts on both students and teachers. Students have not only grasped but excelled in the application of essential skills, transforming their academic and social interactions. Teachers have seamlessly woven these skills into the fabric of the curriculum, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and shared understanding. This initiative has galvanised our school community, uniting us in a common language and purpose for skill development.
Keep it simple
Our classrooms, hallways, and playgrounds are adorned with vibrant visual displays of essential skills—Listening, Speaking, Aiming High, Staying Positive, Creativity, Problem Solving, Leadership, and Teamwork. This strategic approach ensures that these skills are omnipresent in the daily lives of our students, fostering a consistent and clear language for discussion. Teachers amplify this initiative with positive reinforcement, cultivating an environment where learning and growth are celebrated. Monthly assemblies, attended by parents and the wider community, elevate the importance of these skills, solidifying their role in our educational ethos. Comprehensive training sessions, conducted twice this year, have equipped all teachers with the necessary tools to champion this initiative, ensuring a unified and effective approach.This ensures they are consistently using the language of essential skills and understand the benefits of essential skills for their students.
Start early, keep going
Our commitment to essential skills is unwavering, with targeted instruction delivered across all educational stages—Cycles 1, 2, 3, and secondary, encompassing grades 1 through 12. This holistic approach guarantees that every student is afforded the opportunity to master critical competencies, laying a robust foundation for lifelong success.
Measure it
Leveraging the Hub platform, teachers conduct rigorous baseline group assessments to pinpoint the precise skill steps required for their students. Bi-weekly interdisciplinary meetings facilitate a deep dive into student progress, enabling a dynamic and responsive teaching strategy. These assessments are not mere formalities but pivotal tools that guide and inform our educational approach, ensuring targeted and effective skill development.
Focus tightly
Each class selects a focus skill based on assessment data, integrating it into English, Arabic, Science, and Math lessons. Weekly, 1-2 lessons (50 minutes each) are dedicated to intensive skill instruction, with 10-15 minutes explicitly focused on essential skills. This year, our emphasis on Listening and Speaking has been transformative, supported by group baseline assessments to tailor instruction. Teachers harness the Hub's tailored resources to craft compelling and effective lesson plans, ensuring precision in teaching and learning.
Keep practising
Our pedagogical strategy extends beyond isolated lessons; it permeates every subject and classroom interaction. Teachers from all disciplines incorporate the language of essential skills, offering consistent positive reinforcement. This comprehensive approach ensures that students are not only exposed to but are actively practising and reflecting on skills like Listening, Speaking, Aiming High, Staying Positive, Creativity, Problem Solving, Leadership, and Teamwork, across all facets of their education.
Bring it to life
Our monthly celebration events are a cornerstone of our approach, providing students with a stage to demonstrate their skills to a community audience. These events are more than showcases; they are affirmations of our students' growth and application of essential skills. The culmination of the year with our end-of-year celebration is a testament to the profound impact of these initiatives, offering multiple platforms for students to exhibit their prowess in real-world contexts.
What's next
Our vision for the coming year is both ambitious and transformative: 1. Expanding to Younger Students: We will introduce the Skills Builder program to students in grades 3 to 5, fostering early and impactful skill development. 2. In-depth Training: Our training sessions will delve deeper, offering comprehensive workshops on each essential skill, ensuring mastery and effective teaching strategies. 3. Cross-Curricular Integration: We will enhance the integration of essential skills across all subject areas, embedding these competencies into every aspect of our curriculum. 4. Enhanced Assessment: Our assessment methods will evolve, incorporating individual skill tracking alongside group assessments, providing a more granular and actionable understanding of student progress. 5. Real-World Applications: We will create more frequent and varied opportunities for students to apply their skills in real-world situations, bridging the gap between classroom learning and practical application. 6. Community Engagement: Strengthening ties with local businesses and organisations will be paramount, integrating them into our skill development initiatives and expanding the real-world relevance and impact of our program. By steadfastly refining and expanding our approach, we aim to embed essential skills deeply into our school's culture, ensuring that all students, from grades 3 through 12, are exceptionally well-prepared for future academic, personal, and career success. This commitment to excellence will not only transform our students' lives but will also position our school as a beacon of innovation and effective education in Baalbek and beyond.