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Al-Rahmah High School is located in Mazraat Kfar Jouz, South Lebanon and is part of the Al-Mabarrat Association.
Overall impact
This year, we have started to introduce the language of essential skills across some areas of our school. We are proud of our Bronze award which celebrates the start of our essential skills journey.
Keep it simple
This year, listening and speaking have been the focus essential skills, as communication skills are key for students at Al-Rahmah. Parents have been actively involved with promoting the language of essential skills and most of them participate in conferences. Some staff have trained parents with regards to the language of the eight essential skills, so that students hear the same language at home and at school. Translated versions of the Universal Framework have been displayed around the school.
Start early, keep going
Listening and speaking skills have been taught to some students from Kindergarten to Stage 12. Next year, we will implement a consistent plan that uses specific steps from the framework to target teaching to specific cycles.
Measure it
Educational days are provided for staff where they are upskilled about the best ways to assess the progress of their learners. Assessments have taken place using workbooks and offline resources. These assessments take place every 4 – 6 weeks, starting with grade 1. Next year, we will consider ways to assess the progress of students in kindergarten using the Skills Builder Hub.
Focus tightly
Skills lessons from the Skills Builder Hub have been built into the school timetable, via projects and links with universities and regional employer links. Translated versions of the Universal Framework mean that staff are able to teach specific skills steps in different languages, making learning accessible for all.
Keep practising
In order to provide students with opportunities to keep practising, enquiry-based sessions have taken place for grade 4 and above. These sessions have focused on listening and speaking skills. Some extra curricular opportunities have also provided students with an opportunity to keep practising their essential skills in a range of different contexts.
Bring it to life
Secondary classes, grades 10, 11 and 12 have taken part in social activities where they volunteer. During these activities, students have an opportunity to use their essential skills to complete hours to achieve a Skills Builder essential skills certificate.
What's next
Next year, we are excited to continue our work to ensure that we have robust plans in place for the teaching and assessment of essential skills. Working with other schools across the Al Marrabat Association, we are keen to add specific steps from the Universal Framework to ensure that teachers are pitching their lessons at an appropriate level. We will also explore the Skills Builder Hub as an assessment tool for staff.