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Amatir Kanya Gurukal

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Amatir Kanya Gurukal
Amatir Kanya Gurukal is a boarding school for girls, located in Kurukshetra in northern India. Our vision is to create an environment that enables the making of a self-aware, autonomous, happy and a successful human being. At Amatir, the focus is on the child, her unique needs, her unique interest and talent. Amatir does not believe in uniformity. Special focus is on developing the child on the lines of her interest and at a pace that is most suited for her.
Overall impact
Overall, we are pleased with the enthusiasm and dedication displayed by the students throughout these activities. They have shown remarkable growth in their understanding and application of leadership and teamwork principles.
Keep it simple
All teachers have attended training sessions regarding Skills Builder, delivered both internally by the principal and from our Education Associate. All teachers have a Skills Builder Hub account so they are familiar with the resources and the language of the Universal Framework. Students have created posters displaying the skills builder skills and these are visible throughout the school.
Start early, keep going
All students in the school have been working on the essential skills. Classes XI and XII focused on leadership and teamwork. Junior school (nursery to grade 5) focused on listening. In the pre-primary classes, we have taken a lot of rhymes, poems, stories and instructional games with post-activity probing sessions. For the primary classes we have done a lot of out-door instructional games and activities to build the strategic listening skill as suggested by the Skills Builder Programme.
Measure it
We measure the skills through student self and peer assessment. Regular feedback sessions were conducted where students provided constructive criticism and support to their peers. This facilitated self-reflection and continuous improvement, essential aspects of effective leadership and teamwork. If students show lack of understanding, teachers make sure to do an extra lesson on the skills.
Focus tightly
We have taught the skills through both the short lessons on the hub and complimentary activities. For example, we have organized role-playing sessions where students assumed leadership roles in various scenarios. This allowed them to practice decision-making, communication, and problem-solving under pressure. Through interactive team-building exercises, students learned to collaborate effectively, delegate tasks, and leverage each other's strengths. These activities fostered a sense of unity and cooperation within the group.
Keep practising
Students have the opportunity to practice the essential skills in wider areas of school life. For example, they have analyzed real-life case studies of successful leaders and high-performing teams, extracting valuable insights into their strategies and practices. This exercise encouraged critical thinking and provided practical examples for emulation. Students worked on group activities that required them to plan, execute, and evaluate tasks collectively. This hands-on experience enhanced their project management skills while reinforcing the importance of teamwork.
Bring it to life
Students have many opportunities for project based learning where the skills are incorporated. We held a team building day where students had the opportunity to apply their Teamwork and Leadership skills through activities such as a balloon race. Students have been applying and demonstrating their skills by creating and performing dramas and skits focused on the skills.
What's next
We are looking forward to continuing the programme next year. We would like to introduce different skills next year with a clear structure to cycle through all the skills over the course of the year.