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Hall Mead Personalised Learning Centre

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Hall Mead Personalised Learning Centre
We are an Additional Resource Provision based in a mainstream secondary school: Hall Mead School. There are approximately 50 students educated in the Additional Resource Provision, all of whom have Education Health Care Plans with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Social, Emotional or Mental Health being the primary needs.
Overall impact
The highlight has been the staff consistently using the language of the skills, the icons being embedded and the students taking this on board, highlighted by that tipping point where students preempted the question, 'What skills are you using today?'
Keep it simple
We now have a weekly skills focus throughout the provision, staff design and run lessons using this as a focus. Senior staff and the Life Skills curriculum lead asks students 'What skill are you developing today?' as part of learning walks and posters of the essential skills are in a number of areas to support this. The value of the essential skills is demonstrated through practical examples of how the skills are useful, staff highlight where skills are used as part of the curriculum and relate the skills to engaging in activities in the community and preparation for adulthood tasks.
Start early, keep going
The essential skills are built by imbedding the skills into the academic curriculum. Parents are involved through review meetings and the skills for part of the preparation for adulthood focus and drive to build independence, the skills give us a focus.
Measure it
Resources supplied by Skills Builder are used but it's the Universal Framework which provides us with a structure that staff can work with and design activities around for our students. Individuals or small groups work together. Tutors work in pairs and moderate interpretation of the skill step/stage and progress. Students demonstrate that they have achieved a step by demonstrating a skill either as part of a group or individually.
Focus tightly
Tutor time periods allow for focused work 1:1 and in small groups for targeted work. Staff identify the skills that they are learning as part of curriculum area lessons that use practical examples (eg: Problem Solving in Maths).
Keep practising
Projects such as the pizza competition are used to help students practice skills. Skills are built into curriculum areas.
Bring it to life
Most recently we ran a pizza making project that involved creating a concept pizza: Listening, Speaking, Staying Positive, Problem Solving, Creativity and Teamwork were the focus skills. Students practiced their designs and making pizzas before producing a pizza for a competition.
What's next
Moving forward we would like to increase our engagement with employers to further develop the essential skills.
Greater London
United Kingdom