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KT Global School

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KT Global School
KT Global School is a residential and day boarding school situated in Odisha, India. KT Global School aims to instil the power of positive thinking, exceptional execution speed, and an insatiable thirst for new information and knowledge. Children are taught to acquire a global worldview and a tendency for thinking outside the box. The course curriculum was created by comparing best practises from universities all across the world. KT Global School offers a highly advanced, value-based education that shapes students into strategic thinkers and leaders.
Overall impact
We have begun to teach the essential skills on a small scale this year, and we are looking forward to expanding this in the future. All teachers agree that these skills are fundamental to holistic education, and we are keen to develop these competencies in our students. The Global Accelerator programme and Universal framework has equipped us with the means to build these skills effectively.
Keep it simple
We have made the skills visible around the school by displaying posters of the skill icons in all classrooms. Teachers encourage students to progress in the essential skills by awarding certificates from the Skills Builder Hub. Teachers have received training both internally and from our Education Associate, equipping them with the knowledge required to build essential skills.
Start early, keep going
We made the decision to begin teaching skills with the primary section of the school, as this is the age group where we felt the skills would have most impact. By equipping children with problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and an understanding of why it’s important to aim high we lay a strong foundation for their personal and academic development.
Measure it
We believe it is important that teachers have a solid understanding of students’ level and abilities in the essential skills. Teachers have accessed training on how to complete and use the Skills Builder Framework and we have introduced group-level assessments using the Skills Builder Hub. This has been effective in aiding teachers to identify the correct starting point for their students, measure progress and celebrate success.
Focus tightly
Focused skill teaching is timetabled into spoken English lessons so all classes have regular opportunities to learn and practice the skills. We use the Skills Builder Hub short lessons to facilitate discussion and deliberate practice of the essential skills.
Keep practising
In order to support teachers to reinforce the importance of the skills through subject teaching, the Skills Leader has delivered extra training on this topic. A power point slide of the skill icons has been distributed, so teachers can easily add the relevant skill icons to their lessons.
Bring it to life
We value the opportunity to apply essential skills to real world experiences. Moving forward, we plan to make this link clearer to students through using career focused Skill Builder resources, such as Career Cards.
What's next
We are looking forward to continuing the Skills Builder Global Accelerator next year. We will use the strategic planning meetings with our Education Associate to develop actions to promote consistency in our approach to skill building.