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Rajagiri Public School

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Rajagiri Public School
Rajagiri Public School, established in 1994 by the Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI) of the Sacred Heart Province in Rajagiri, Kalamassery, embodies the CMI congregation's long-standing commitment to education, which dates back to the mid-19th century. Reflecting the congregation's dedication to academic excellence, holistic development, and the nurturing of ethical and moral values, the school currently has around 100 teachers and serves approximately 2000 students from grades 1 to 12.
Overall impact
The implementation of the Skills Builder program at Rajagiri Public School has been instrumental in our mission to equip students with essential skills for success. Since its introduction, we've witnessed a significant transformation in our students' confidence levels. Previously reserved students are now eager to share their ideas, and there's been a noticeable shift towards collaborative work, thanks to the emphasis on teamwork skills. By seamlessly integrating skill development into our curriculum, we've ensured that students grasp the value of their education beyond academic achievements alone. The accessibility and user-friendly nature of Skills Builder, particularly its short stories and activities, have garnered praise from both staff and students. Students are actively applying their skill sets to real life situations, recognizing the impact of their progress on their academic journey and community engagement. The Start-up Success Challenge Day was a particularly cherished experience for students, fostering a sense of ownership and pride as they explored entrepreneurial ventures. Overall, these initiatives have led to an increase in students' confidence and a heightened appreciation for their skills. Success is now perceived in diverse ways, with students experiencing personal triumphs throughout their school day as they actively pursue continuous improvement.
Keep it simple
Rajagiri Public School’s curriculum is built on a foundation that intertwines each subject with a specific skill, emphasizing their vital role in student development. Every lesson and activity is designed to not only impart knowledge but also to foster skill growth in students. Teachers follow the Skill Builder Universal Framework closely, providing students with clear direction on their journey of skill development. Our assembly programs are thoughtfully designed to align with the eight essential skills, enriching the overall learning experience. Parents actively participate in discussions centred on these skills during meetings, acknowledging their importance within our curriculum. To reinforce skill acquisition, each class dedicates a period per week for teachers to consolidate all learned skills across various subjects, facilitating connections for student success. Skill posters are displayed in classrooms, serving as constant reminders of their significance. We've seamlessly integrated Skills Builder lessons into life skills and value education classes, further emphasizing skill development. Students are motivated through certificates to celebrate and encourage their progress in acquiring these essential skills. Skills are integrated into our monthly plans and school education policy to ensure a consistent approach. Parents are kept informed about the holistic development of the student during the open houses.
Start early, keep going
Students from Grade 1 to Grade 12 at Rajagiri Public School are immersed in learning the eight essential skills, with the entire school community focusing on the same skill at the same time. Each class teacher evaluates students and customizes the skill development process to suit individual needs and levels. Prior to the start of regular classes each day, class teachers engage students in activities related to the eight essential skills during dedicated class teacher time.
Measure it
Subject teachers at Rajagiri Public School monitor the specific skill assigned to their subject and maintain records of each student's progress in skill development. During dedicated class teacher time, class teachers assess the overall development of the students. The Skills Builder Hub assessment tools are used to record the advancement of each class. This approach facilitates the assessment of the overall advancement of the entire class. Furthermore, students are prompted to self-reflect on their improvement in each skill and to identify the strategies they have utilized to attain success.
Focus tightly
Each week, specific lessons are dedicated to teaching skills, ensuring that every student's needs are met. Group activities foster teamwork, while daily "Show and Tell" sessions for grades 1 to 5 and "Just a Minute" sessions for grades 6 to 10 enhance listening and speaking skills. The Skills Builder Framework has truly revolutionized the teaching approach, providing effective resources for engaging students in skill development. These sessions are planned on the monthly calendar to ensure consistent skill-building opportunities for each class. In life skills and value education classes, the focus is on instilling positivity and encouraging students to aim high, observing the positive impact on their confidence and self-esteem. During skill assemblies, discussions are encouraged using activities from the Skills Builder Hub, ensuring that skill objectives are shared alongside learning objectives. In class, teachers often prompt students to identify which skills can be applied. Peer feedback helps students recognize their successes and areas for growth, while also highlighting positive role models. During the recent Heritage Day celebrations, activities integrated the eight essential skills. It was inspiring to see students dressed up as national leaders, delivering engaging presentations that emphasized leadership skills in a personalized and meaningful manner.
Keep practising
The essential skills are now fundamental to the curriculum. Our monthly lesson plans incorporate the skills, and assemblies serve as another platform for reinforce their importance. Additionally, these skills are woven into specific subjects such as Physical Health Education (PHE), Art, and Life Skills classes, ensuring a holistic approach to their development. It's not just about designated time slots; we believe in embedding these skills seamlessly into day-to-day teaching across different subjects. Moreover, our extracurricular clubs offer a diverse range of activities where essential skills are integrated. From Music and Dance to Model United Nations and Eco & Health clubs, students engage in activities that foster skill development. Recent initiatives like the Digital Odyssey event showcase our commitment to integrating skills with subjects like Computer Science, preparing students for the digital future. Similarly, events like Once Upon a School Day fuse skills with Literature, creating immersive experiences where students traverse literary eras through drama, art, and culture. Before embarking on any project or extracurricular activity, we discuss the eight essential skills and how they can be demonstrated throughout the activity. This deliberate approach ensures that skill development remains a focal point in everything we do.
Bring it to life
To enhance our Skills Builder programme and enrich students' skill development, we carry out various school projects that connect these skills to broader life contexts. Essential skills are linked to school trips, providing students with real-world examples of these skills in action. Community engagement is another key component, where students apply their skills through volunteering, event organization, and community service projects. The Interact Club raises funds through food festivals for charity and community welfare projects in and around Kochi. Our curriculum integrates career education and STEM skills across all subjects, involving employers to teach workforce skills. Tinkering labs enhance creativity and innovation through hands-on projects. Career Talks and visits to various workplaces allow students to interact with professionals, gaining first-hand knowledge about different careers and the skills they require. Essential skills are also embedded in research projects headed by GYRA, encouraging students to apply critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills in scientific experiments. The Skills Builder ‘Start-up Success’ Challenge Day allowed students to immerse themselves in entrepreneurial ventures, developing their skills in leadership, innovation and strategic planning. These comprehensive initiatives ensure that skill development is an integral part of our students’ educational experience.
What's next
Looking forward, Rajagiri Public School plans to regularly celebrate skill development through monthly Skills nominations, assemblies, and certificates/rewards. Conduct termly feedback to assess progress. Increase involvement of parents in skill development. Fully embed essential skills into projects throughout the year, such as job preparation focusing on interview skills and communication, and on-site training emphasizing problem-solving, teamwork, and leadership. Engage parents in supporting skill development through the home zone. Ensure students understand the importance of essential skills throughout their lives by relating them to practical applications.