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Rassoul Al Mahabba School

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Rassoul Al Mahabba School
Rassoul Al Mahabba School is located in Lebanon and is part of the Al-Mabarrat Association.
Overall impact
Although our school has been impacted by school closures, we have been able to achieve the Bronze award by following the principles of best practice. Some students have had an opportunity to build their essential skills and we are keen to continue with our Skills Builder journey next year.
Keep it simple
This year, the language of essential skills has been introduced to some students across the school. Essential skills posters in both English and Arabic have been displayed in different places around the school, and staff refer to these when teaching. In addition, some students have received essential skills certificates from the Skills Builder Hub when they showed that they have made progress in the essential skills.
Start early, keep going
Some students have had the opportunity to build their essential skills in a range of different classes this year. Teachers use their knowledge of their students to decide which skills and steps from the Universal Framework should be a priority.
Measure it
Offline assessment resources and workbooks have been used by some students as a self-assessment tool. Teachers use these student reflections to inform next steps and to plan for the future. Next year, staff will explore the Skills Builder Hub as an assessment tool for group level assessments.
Focus tightly
Translated versions of the framework have been used to ensure that some students have the opportunity to explicitly learn essential skills.
Keep practising
The essential skills have been referenced in some subject areas such as science, providing students with an opportunity to practise their skills in different contexts. Students also have an opportunity to use their essential skills during extra curricular activities.
Bring it to life
This year, students had an opportunity to bring the essential skills to life via projects completed during remote learning activities. These projects linked the essential skills to wider curriculum areas, and also provided an opportunity for the whole family to contribute to the project.
What's next
Next year, we will explore different assessment tools so that staff have a deeper understanding of the areas for development for their students. We will also use the support available as part of the Accelerator+ programme to ensure that training is delivered to all teachers involved with the teaching of essential skills.