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St Matthew Anglican Primary School

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St Matthew Anglican Primary School
Our primary school has a nursery and 6 classes. It is a low income and low resource area in Nigeria.
Overall impact
We wanted to train staff and students in essential skills and this year we have developed our staff's understanding of essential skills. Our students have improved their listening skills and understand why it is important for them to succeed.
Keep it simple
All teachers attended a Teacher Training session to introduce them to essential skills this helped to ensure everyone was using the same language and teaching the skills using the Handbook. Our students created artwork of the icons to help reinforce the skills. We use verbal praise to reinforce essential skills in lessons.
Start early, keep going
To begin grades 4,5 and 6 were included in our essential skills programme. We ensured that all teachers were trained in essential skill teaching so that it could be discussed with all of our students.
Measure it
We use frequent observation to assess the impact of essential skills and consider the needs of our students. This helps us to plan our teaching in the future.
Focus tightly
We focused on Listening Step 0 this year for all classes. Explicit teaching takes place every Friday in STEM lessons. The HUB or Handbook resources are used to guide teaching content.
Keep practising
Assemblies are used to discuss our focus skill with all students and highlight key strategies. We discuss it with students and highlight good examples in our lessons and activities.
Bring it to life
Academic competitions are used to apply essential skills and we encourage students to practise them at home.
What's next
To continue to develop our students’ essential skills and create interesting activities for them to learn from.