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SVKM's CNM School

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SVKM's CNM School
SVKM’s C.N.M. SCHOOL & N. D. PAREKH PRE-PRIMARY SCHOOL was the first English medium school started by SVKM in 1997. Rooted in a vision of providing a modern, holistic, and integrated system of education, our institution is dedicated to shaping students into independent thinkers capable of thriving as global citizens. In line with this vision, we have embraced an innovative approach to education, integrating skill-based curricular frameworks such as Global Outlook, HISTEAM, and the School Enterprise Challenge. These initiatives underscore our commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals prepared for success in an ever-evolving world.
Overall impact
In November 2023, learners of Grade 6 and 7 were introduced to the Global Skills Builder programme, which focused primarily on enhancing Listening and Speaking abilities. Teachers of these classes participated in extensive online training sessions to effectively discuss and deliver the prescribed steps for each skill. Under the able guidance of the school's visionary leaders, a meticulously curated systematic approach aligned with the Skills builder’s Universal Framework was set in motion through regular in-house training sessions across all subjects to effectively incorporate and implement these skills. The support from the Skills Builder team proved invaluable, with abundant resources readily available on the Skills Builder Hub, enhancing the learning experience. The program has fostered an unshakable confidence amongst the learners to articulate and voice out thoughts with eloquence, while acquainting them with the subtle nuances of active listening. Ongoing activity-based assessments have facilitated continuous improvement, shaping students into adept listeners and speakers. The Skills Builder program has empowered both teachers and learners to explore, engage, create and collaborate effectively.
Keep it simple
The school orchestrated special foyer assemblies with a specific focus on accentuating the significance of honing Listening skills across all learners of the school. This platform provided an opportunity for Grade 6 and 7 learners, currently engaged in skills-based training, to disseminate their acquired knowledge and reflections amongst their peers from diverse classes. Embracing a steadfast commitment to fortifying the acquired strategies, the school adorns its foyer, classrooms and social media platforms with a vibrant array of posters, skill icons, artworks and captivating snapshots of learners immersed in skill-enhancing activities. This concerted effort ensures that all stakeholders remain informed and engaged with the evolving learning outcomes spurred by this initiative. In a bid to foster a culture of healthy competition, learners exemplifying exceptional prowess in listening and speaking are duly recognized with badges of honour. Furthermore, their commendable achievements in mastering these vital skills also contribute toward accumulating valuable house points, fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment within the student body.
Start early, keep going
As this marks our inaugural year of systematically implementing the Skills Builder program within the school, our foremost goal has been to raise awareness and provide Grade 6 and 7 learners with a thorough introduction to the skills. Utilizing a multifaceted approach, we have seamlessly woven these skills into their educational journey. The strategies used to teach the skills were aligned with the Universal Framework. As a school, we've prioritized the integration of skills into every syllabus, ensuring age-appropriate content tailored to each group of learners.
Measure it
Learners undergo assessments in both formal and informal settings to ensure they feel unburdened and empowered to freely express themselves according to their understanding. Formal evaluations encompass activities such as skit performances, elocution, poetry recitals and storytelling competitions to gauge speaking proficiency. Informal assessments involve engaging with peers, actively listening to conversations for information gathering, summarizing subtopics from various subjects after careful listening and demonstrating appropriate body language and expressions while being attentive speakers and listeners. The school employs a distinctive approach to conducting AFL (Assessment for Learning) for every subject, utilizing innovative methods. For instance, skit performances are utilized for subjects like English and History, while subjects like Science and Mathematics involve sharing observations and inferences, effectively assessing both the speaking skills of the presenter and the listening skills of their peers. These methods enable faculty members to evaluate learners effectively and provide constructive feedback, while being flexible in approach. Additionally, learners are encouraged to articulate their reflections verbally and in written form to respond to application-based questions. The activities offered at the conclusion of each step within the Skills Builder Hub serve as a convenient and efficient method to assess students' comprehension following the completion of each stage.
Focus tightly
Every Friday, Grades 6 and 7 engage themselves in dedicated Skills Builder classes integrated into their weekly timetable. This allocated time serves as a pivotal opportunity for students to delve into the nuances of skill acquisition, fostering a deeper understanding of its practical application in real-life contexts. Our faculty members meticulously guide students through each step outlined in the Listening and Speaking skill domain, supplementing learning with real-world examples to enhance comprehension. The age-appropriate content sourced from the Skills Builder hub holds paramount significance in ensuring student engagement and facilitating exploration through both collaborative and individual activities. Teachers utilize concise lessons from the hub to shed light on the skills being learned as part of this initiative. Teachers frequently rely on the KWL (know-want to know-learned) strategy as one of the most common methods to assess understanding of skill-based learning.
Keep practising
Students demonstrate exceptional listening skills across all subject classes, while their speaking abilities shine when they take charge during school assemblies and other events. Our tasks and activities are designed to foster the development of both listening and speaking skills. For instance, Grade 7 students participated in the Learning Planet program- an initiative by the Learning Planet Institute and UNESCO, delving into global economies and engaging in analysis, strategic planning and envisioning sustainable economic development. They exhibited outstanding speaking skills while presenting their models to the viewers and their adept listening skills facilitated gathering the necessary information for their projects. Throughout the school council election campaign, candidates confidently delivered speeches, showcasing the clarity and confidence in their speaking skills cultivated through this program. Furthermore, voters utilized techniques learned in listening skill classes to discern the most suitable candidate. The class softboards showcase students' studies and their connection to the development of essential skills.
Bring it to life
At our school, we firmly believe in the principle of learning through practical experience. We provide ample opportunities for students to engage with social issues and contribute to raising awareness in our community. Our learners actively participate in numerous community projects, allowing them to apply their skills in real-world scenarios. For instance, our students visited the Centre of Study for Social Change during Christmas, where they interacted with the senior citizens and orphans and entertained them through activities such as stand-up comedy and storytelling. Students prepared for this visit by studying Speaking step 2, 'I speak clearly to individuals I do not know' which gave them confidence to speak to the wider members of the community. Additionally, our seventh graders participated in the Earth Quest Initiative on Sports Day, advocating for awareness about the hazards of micro-plastic pollution. They effectively communicated the global issue and highlighted the significance of Sustainable Development Goal 14 to our school community. After the sports day students reflected that they not only had to Listen critically to compare different perspectives, but also speak adaptively to persuade listeners of their point of view. In this way it was an excellent opportunity to bring the skills to life. Furthermore, our school initiated a buddy collaboration program and took part in the Umang Communicative English session, aimed at enhancing language skills for vernacular medium students by focusing on four key language aspects. Students geared up using Speaking Step 5, ‘Learners speak using appropriate language.’ for this session. Our learners organized various interactive activities to facilitate comprehensive learning and shared insights gained from their experiences through Skills builder program.
What's next
The school is committed to enhancing students' skill development by integrating skill application throughout the curriculum and fostering continuous learning. Our goal is to integrate vital skills into current subjects, offer practical experiences, and connect with the community. We will also prioritize the development of our own resources.