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ZŠ Doctrina

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ZŠ Doctrina
We are a private primary school located in the Czech Republic. We take an individual approach to each student in a small group setting. This gives us a unique opportunity to work with each student's strengths and weaknesses. It also enables children to build closer relationships not only with their classmates, but also with teachers. Thanks to the individual teachers´ approach to the learners and their qualities our classes have placed among the best 10% of primary schools in the Czech Republic according to national comparative tests (from Czech language, Math, Social studies and English).
Overall impact
Our school has been systematically working on the development of essential skills for both students and teachers since its establishment in 2010. The Skills Builder methodology brought a comprehensive system of personal development steps and self-assessment tools. Pupils develop essential skills in specialized Self-Development lessons, school subjects and school events. The whole school pursues each skill for 1 month. The selected team of teachers work together with our Skills Builder Education Associate to support the whole teaching staff. All teachers complete introductory training.
Keep it simple
The skills, their steps and logos are clearly visible in common areas of the school as well as in particular classrooms. The skill, which is set for each particular month, is practiced in all grades 1-9, it is also supported by extra challenges that the pupils can complete. Additional encouragement is sent to parents to support their children's skills in the home environment as well. Every month teachers have a meeting, share their experiences together and prepare for the next month and skill.
Start early, keep going
We work with skills development from 1st to 9th grades (from 6 years to 15/16 years old learners ). In September 2025 The Doctrina Kindergarten is also going to join the program and we will create a connected system of developing essential skills from the age of 4.
Measure it
Each month our class teachers map their class level of skill that is going to be focused on the following month. To monitor progress, the teachers use mostly oral assessment in class and verbal assessment as part of the final report. The basic pillar of progress monitoring is the pupils' self-assessment, which the teachers can use, with the pupils' permission, within the tripartite framework, where there is a mutual discussion between the pupil, parent and teacher. Primary students (6-10 years old) use smileys along with the text and graphic additions or the “skills tree” which supports the link to skills in various situations. For lower secondary students (10-16 years old), we use a more creative approach and choose different forms of self-assessment (mind maps, free writing, tree of feelings, etc.).
Focus tightly
Each month we teach one skill to support a clear and consistent approach. The teacher begins by assessing the class to select the relevant step, and then they prepare a plan for development of the given step. Focused teaching of this step takes place in regular Self-Development lessons. When choosing specific activities, they can benefit from the Skills Builder methodological materials created by teachers in previous years.
Keep practising
The development of skills regularly accompanies pupils throughout the school year. As well as specialized Self-Development classes (S classes) every week, teachers refer to them during the regular lessons where particular subjects are taught. Almost all school events (bonding courses, thematic courses, project days, etc.) are connected with the development of essential skills.
Bring it to life
We also connect the development of essential skills with life outside school. In particular, we appeal to parents to support their children at home. We also organize several events for the wider public, e.g. Running for Charity. This event connects all parts of our school Kindergarten + Elementary School + Grammar School. Pupils must primarily apply the skill of teamwork, where they try to find a common non-profit organization or a specific person, to whom the collected money will be donated. Pupils decide about the final purpose of the charity event in elementary school/gymnasium parliament. Pupils also practice creative thinking when each class can come up with their own running style - including costumes and accessories. Here, they can also apply their presentation skills during the event itself, which is open to the general public. Parents are also involved in such an event. Running for Charity supports development of the staying positive skill - everyone encourages each other to raise money and support each other in their ideas.
What's next
From September 2024, we plan to create a connected skills development system for children from 4 to 15/16 years of age through involvement of our Doctrina Kindergarten. Furthermore, we would like to include pupils more in the planning process (school parliament) and support their active approach. The development of essential skills is the key direction of our school in the coming years.
Czech Republic