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Essential Skills in Business


How can businesses support young people to develop the essential skills they need for the future?


Professional services



Work experience

Insight days

Online resources

Excellence Mark:

A portrait of Laura Carter wearing a charcoal grey jacket, cream blouse and is smiling warmly.

Using the Universal Framework has had a positive impact on our outreach work with secondary schools. It’s enabled us to focus on embedding the essential skills throughout our programme in a consistent way, making our offer a really attractive and relevant proposition to schools.

Laura Carter, Social Mobility Community Programmes Manager

What did PwC do on a Skills Builder Employer Programme?

Included essential skills steps into their Social Mobility Community programmes

To demystify the language used around ‘soft skills’ and allow young people to better connect to the workplace using a common language they are familiar with from the classroom.

Robustly evaluated their outreach programmes

To measure the impact of their programmes more consistently and quantify the change in skill levels.

Equipped facilitators with the confidence to support participants with essential skill development

To increase the number of PwC volunteers who are using consistent language to talk about essential skills

What was the impact?

During FY23, PwC's Autumn, Spring and OFOD school series reached over 4,400 students across the country

Programmes effectively increased students’ Teamwork, Speaking, Leadership and Aiming High skills

Students awarded places on PwC’s School Leavers programme, technology degree apprenticeships and the Flying Start Programme

Excellence Standards

This company has been awarded a Platinum excellence mark. This company has been awarded a Gold excellence mark. This company has been awarded a Silver excellence mark. This company has been awarded a Bronze excellence mark.

How PwC achieved their Skills Builder Excellence Standards

The Skills Builder Excellence Standards set clear guidelines for best practice across a business or team.

Business or teams who achieve these indicators work towards achieving an Excellence Mark accreditation.

The Outreach Excellence Standards are outlined below.

Building Your Impact with PwC

Video coming soon

Click on the video to watch ‘Building Your Impact with… PwC’

Are you a Skills Builder Member? Sign up to our next ‘Building Your Impact’ session

What could you achieve on a Skills Builder Employer Programme?

Work with us to:

  • Spot opportunities to effectively build your employees' essential skills
  • Create and implement an organisation-wide essential skills competency framework
  • Support your line managers to lead constructive professional development conversations around essential skills
  • Or something bespoke to your business
Book your free 30 minute consultation now
An image of a skilled professional taking part in a video meeting on her iMac. The interior design of her home office is simple, cool and minimalist.