Friends and Families are a non-profit organisation in Plymouth that creates bespoke training and educational environments, providing information, support and services to give families opportunities to network. Their mission is to work with families of disabled children and provide high quality services that make them feel valued, improve their wellbeing and experience the best quality of life possible.
Friends and Families offer individual family support and give advice on relevant issues, as well as running social and leisure events allowing ”time-out to have fun” away from the stresses and punishing regime of caring. This allows a vital ‘recharge of batteries’, relieving isolation and time for young carers to have fun.
Integrated activities enable children with disabilities opportunities to experience a huge diversity of sports, arts, crafts and music not available to them or their families elsewhere.
Friends and Families' Gaming Club is a series of sessions delivered by and for Neurodivergent young people, which give a natural progression into adulthood through a games style approach. Sessions have been structured with a focus on two essential skills (Problem Solving and Teamwork), using reflective questions and activities to demonstrate meaningful targets and outcomes for participants.