Morecambe Bay Community Primary School in Lancashire have had a real focus over the last three years on building their students’ essential skills.
How do they use the Skills Builder Framework?
Morecambe Bay Community School runs a Partner School Skills Builder programme which includes teacher training on how to use and embed the Framework, Challenge Days and projects focused on building the eight essential skills, and trips out to businesses. Recent business trips have included The Department for Work and Pensions and EY where students were set a work–based challenge to develop their essential skills in a real-life setting.
Why do they use the Framework?
The resources and training that form part of the Partner School programme have allowed the whole school to focus on developing their essential skills. The Framework has allowed students to self-reflect on their own performance and their group’s performance to ensure they know what they need to do next to continuing building their skills. The Framework has also allowed teachers to signpost the eight skills in every lesson and across school life.
What's been the impact of using the Framework?
One of the things staff have noticed is the children’s use of language and their ability to share their experiences in relation to the language from the Framework. For example, they can now articulate how they managed to solve problems because they’ve listened really well to other people. This has had a positive impact on what happens in the classroom, for example, children are now able to solve conflict by talking about it and reflecting on what they could do better.
“Staff and children are confident in recognising and developing the 8 skills. The whole process has been really beneficial and we hope to continue to build on its success in the future.”
“The Framework has had a massive impact on what happens in the classroom. The skills have directly fallen into our everyday life in school, children are now able to solve conflict by talking about it.”
“The eight skills are vital for life-long learning and if we can fit in as many opportunities as possible to sign-post children to these skills in as many different contexts and scenarios that is going to have a great impact on our children.”